We asked SSG artist and designer Steve Ford if he could take some time out from his busy schedule to give us an insight into the work he has conducted on the Decisive Battles of World War II series, and his involvement with SSG. So armed with a Tablet Pen in one hand and a mouse in the other - freshly dripping with cyber paint - this is what he had to say. Note that larger versions of the images are available by clicking on the images themselves. The images provided in support of
this interview are a sample of these in development and taken from Decisive
Battles of World War II - 'Battles In Normandy' which is currently under
design and production by SSG. All images are the property of SSG and may
not be reproduced without their consent. |
Can you give us a bit of background information
in relation to some of your past work? As an artist where do you get your inspiration? |
there been any one piece of art which you have create which you think
stands out from the crowd - that you hang your hat upon? |
In terms of hardware and software - what are your tools of
the trade? |
Do you
use any reference maps to ensure that the final map is accurate in terms
of terrain and features? What are your biggest challenges? |
Do you get time to play the games which you help
create? What is your favourite battle or era and why? Thanks for your time Steve. Will we see you
on the PBEM battlefield?