On To Antwerp | |
Version: 1.10 (April 2004) Engine: Korsun Pocket Turns: 32 AI or PBEM: Both Author: Robjess & JSS |
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This is a scenario variant of Korsun Pockets "The Ardennes Offensive" battleset. See below for instalation notes. This is a 32 turn variant of the main 'The Ardennes Offensive' scenario. Some players contest that the Allies have a slight advantage in the main scenario and that if two players of equal abilities meet in a PBEM game its usually the Allied player who sees through the day. This variant seeks to even up the playing field. The following items have been changed between this scenario and the main Ardennes Offensive scenario: - The Allied Strongpoints in the northern sector of the battlefield have been slightly weakened. It is now possible for the Germans to mount attacks against these forts, although at 10-1 there is only a 50-50 chance that any such attack will be successful. Notwithstanding it is now a viable tactic for the German Player to seek to push through this sector. - The Majority of Allied Independant ARM and Anti Tank Units have been reduced to 2 steps - especially those that either commence the game on the map or those that arrive early on. Those arriving towards the later stages of the game may arrive at full strength. - Victory Points for the destruction of the Major German Panzer units has been increased. - Allied ENG units are now able to Entrench and have had their defense strength increased to 4. - Each German 88' (AA) unit have been divided into two - thereby increasing the number of these units on the battlefield. - The Allied 90th Infantry Division has been added to the game as Alert units. - The following objectives have had their alert points modified to account for the inclussion of 90th INF. Arlon, Anilier and Florenville. - Allied 75th INF, 99th INF, and 11th AR Divs have been changed to substandard quality as they were green units that performed well but not nearly as well as the veteran US divisions. - Allied 30th ID has been changed to standard quality. - Allied 9th ID has been changed to elite. - All Allied Elite divions have had their bullets increased to 3 and standard divisions have had their bullets increased to 2. NOTE: That the AI has not been amended to reflect any of these changes. What this means is that whilst the original AI from the main Ardennes Offensive has been included in this scenario, it has not been amended or reprogrammed for this variant and is untested. That is not to say that the AI does not/will not play well with this variant - is just hasnt been refined to do so. Give it a try anyway! Above all this Scenario has been created and balanced for PBEM play. JSS recommends that both human players try this scenario with +1 replacements to both sides!
Start Korsun Pocket up, Select the Ardennes Offensive Battleset and then you should see the On to Antwerp! scenario. Good luck, we value any feedback - especially in relation to discrepancies, bugs or play balance. Posted by robjess on February 01, 2004 |