Species - Myrmodi
These guys are extremely warlike and to that end have excellent military equipment, particularly offensive armaments.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Limited to Oxygen atmosphere worlds with temperate or hot climates and standard gravity. Can survive with no atmosphere and lower gravities. They compete directly with Human races, the Cetaci and the Saurischi for real estate.
Industrial and Research Facility costs are high, mollified somewhat by good output. An Era 5 Colony Improvement will reduce these costs substantially. Defense Establishments and Shipyards are cheap.
They have a good selection of Hull Types but the best ones are not available until Era 6. Weapon mounts are plentiful. Shield capacity is average, perhaps a little less so for the big SDs. Cost is reasonable.

Click the Myrmodi for a closeup.
Shields are average, inexpensive and flexible.
Propulsion systems are good, and made better by Era 4 and 6 Military Improvements.
Astro-Navigation is average.
ECM is good and flexible.
Offensive Projectiles are excellent. Planet Attack capability is very high for DN and SD vessels. Close range firepower is limited to DN and SD vessels.
Defensive Projectiles are good and flexible.
Beam Weapons non-existant (at least until Era 10).
Military Improvements upgrade penetration, interception, rate of fire, deflection, evasion, propulsion and outer screen.
SP costs for Era jumps are very low. This means there is no practical reason why you can't jump from one era to another when selecting the next tech to research.
Warlike nature may restrict diplomatic opportunities in multiplayer games.
Zero trade capability makes alliances very one-way (the wrong way) from an economic standpoint.
Base Rate of Fire is 80. Excellent.

Default Production Queue
The first couple of times you play the Myrmodi, I recommend you configure the default production queue as follows, especially in the early game.
I1 / R1 / I2 / R2 / D1 / I3 / R3 / D2 / S1 / I4 / R4 / M / C / D3 / D4 / S2 / S3 / S4